Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Post 4: EOTO Com Tech Timeline

The History of the Popular Social Media Hub, Instagram. 

Instagram is relatively new material in the grand scheme of technology. However, it was an original pioneer of modern day social media. Created on October 6th, 2010, this new social media app designed for the iPhones running IOS 4. To help put that in perspective, IOS 17 is expected to come out in just a few weeks. Instagram was the very first app to allow simple and quick picture sharing across the internet. Being able to share photos to whoever followed your profile was an entirely new concept to smartphones. This concept is what helped Instagram gain enough funding to actually come alive. Once released, the broader public eye also had this level of appreciation for such an innovative concept. Users took notice to how different Instagram was in comparison to other early iPhone apps. 

It took Instagram only a week to reach one hundred thousand users. Even more impressively, it took just two months to reach one million users. Finally, in 2018, the number of users reached a billion. This kind of traction doesn't just occur for any ordinary app. Instagram is not a one-trick-pony, as it became a news outlet, networking app, hub for video/picture sharing, a full marketplace, and a source of income for many users. Before we dive into this discussion, lets discover why it was created in the first place. 

Before all of the fancy features and abilities the app has now, Instagram was just a webpage dedicated to uploading, editing, and sharing photos with your friends and family. You also had the ability to add artsy filters too, which was a rather entertaining feature back in 2010. The creator, Kevin Systrom, developed the app out of his love and passion for photography. Originally, there was no talk about adding video to the app. Systrom was fully focused working very hard to perfect one thing at time. I believe this is part of what lead to his monumental success. He work diligently and carefully over many years to ensure everything added to the app would have its purpose. After coordinating with some of his early investors, they came across the name Instagram, as it is a portmanteau or "instant" and "telegram." If interested, I have linked a great youtube video that goes very in depth about the history of instagram and how/why it was created. 
Nowadays, Instagram acts as a hub for all sorts of information. The ordinary user has Instagram downloaded just to check up on what their friends and family are doing. Many people attach an Instagram account to their business, as sharing reels and creating engaging posts is a great way to promote a product. In addition to this, the app also serves as a marketplace for many companies. Their is now a way to attach links to products directly to posts. With this, you can also run advertisements to help promote your brand. With all of this being said, it is clear that Instagram has grown significantly since its original release almost fourteen years ago. From a basic picture sharing app to a multi-billion dollar business, Instagram has come a very long way. I believe all the additions to app over the years have benefited millions of people all over world. For the future, Instagram should continue to serve as a core for all sorts of people to come together are boost productivity. 


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